Corporate Social Responsibility

At Jarva Holdings, we acknowledge that business play a key role, amongst other stakeholders, in ensuring the upliftment of the surrounding communities and people therein. To this effect, we are committed to better serve the communities and people within our reach through our various corporate social initiatives. 

Be it through participation in various charitable events, sponsorships and donations, or employee involvement in various initiatives undertaken by other stakeholders, we aim to leave a positive footprint across our communities and people in carrying out our work or discharging our corporate social responsibilities.

As an institution that holds vast experience and expertise in both education and health sectors in South Africa through our numerous service offerings and client base, as well as the philanthropic values instilled by the founders of Jarva Holdings at all levels of the business, we established the Vassie Rajah Educational Foundation in 2019.

Named after the late former principal and educator at various Pietermaritzburg schools, and sports representative as an official, coach and player, in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands area, Mr Vassie Rajah, the foundation was established by his family to continue his legacy and work in the surrounding community.

Through the Foundation, learners arising from poverty-stricken communities are assisted through tutoring, mentorship and counselling in various aspects. Those learners who show significant academic potential in various subjects including mathematics and science, are identified and provided with bursaries to assist them in completing their schooling. The Foundation aims to improve learners in the vital mathematics and science fields through various events undertaken, including Olympiads, competitions and expos.  

Key to achieving a better quality of life is maintaining a balance. Sports offers individuals the opportunity to ensure improved health and awareness, improve teamwork capabilities of individuals, build competitive thinking and improve discipline while offering learners a positive alternative to fulfill their free time. 

In this light and being the key figure Mr Rajah was in the sporting world within the community, outstanding sports persons in schools are also provided with bursaries and access to coaching and mentorship programmes. Sponsorship of various events held by other stakeholders and partnerships being built through organisations serving similar purposes allows us to assist in developing our youth within various sporting codes, including football, athletics, cricket, volleyball, gymnastics, netball and swimming.

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